Amazing analysis and guidance! This one is big for me and I’m feeling it. My namesake Vesta 9 Aries in my 4th. With natal Lilith (who I’ve ignored) Pisces 23 sextile Uranus all the while Jupiter dancing back and forth over my Gemini NN which is such beautiful energy guiding me to leadership roles in renewable energy! Thank you. So beautifully written!
It's so cool to be reading this now that we're a week in. I heard the term "socialized deception" for the first time in a video last week and suddenly realized how we are all taught to accept and proliferate lies in the most subtle and sneaky ways. I also realized that we always know what's true, and so there is no need to fear deception if you're willing to accept and change the ways you lie to yourself. Thank you so much for your insight!
Oh ab so lutely all of this ! And boy are we already feeling it over here. I added a little navigation pointers for all zodiac signs if interested :
Let's get weird, life's better that way.
truer words never spoken! let's do it 🥂
Amazing analysis and guidance! This one is big for me and I’m feeling it. My namesake Vesta 9 Aries in my 4th. With natal Lilith (who I’ve ignored) Pisces 23 sextile Uranus all the while Jupiter dancing back and forth over my Gemini NN which is such beautiful energy guiding me to leadership roles in renewable energy! Thank you. So beautifully written!
This was a very generous offering. Thank you so much!
oh you're very welcome! my pleasure, thank you for indulging my ramblings :)
It's so cool to be reading this now that we're a week in. I heard the term "socialized deception" for the first time in a video last week and suddenly realized how we are all taught to accept and proliferate lies in the most subtle and sneaky ways. I also realized that we always know what's true, and so there is no need to fear deception if you're willing to accept and change the ways you lie to yourself. Thank you so much for your insight!