Amazing how literal this is for me. The thing I've been working on most in ballroom is letting go of the control, trying to make a movement happen and being in the flow of the pattern and the music. I'm listening to my ballroom Daemon and ready to let go! What house/axis is Libra rising Cancer sun?
this is moving into your 6H/12H you were one of the main characters in this last eclipse season!! ketu transiting the 1H is NO JOKE but a very, very healing affair. now you get a series of cadent eclipses to integrate and embody everything you learned in these, so you are right on schedule 🥲 🙏
Thank you for this piece, I truly appreciate it! I've been anticipating this axis as I'm 1H Pisces 7H Virgo; "the point of it all" couldn't be more literal in my being and life. Such a pivotal moment in time for all... glad to be on this journey with you among others.
I'd like to try to connect with the live stream and chart readings. Final note, this past year had some notable synchros happen with a Virgo acquaintance and the Rick Rubin and "The Creative Act"... having you make mention of it here brings the biggest smile to my face. Thank you!😊
pisces sun & saturn (5th house), w nn 1st house & at the tail end of my saturn return. very resonate. i definitely have the connection to heaven but earth....feel like im not supposed to be here. yet i am. so i am trying to find what it is im "meant" to do as flesh. i have trouble merging when the flesh (which i deem as placidius chart) is most preoccupied with everyone else (scorpio rising, pisces sun, cancer moon) and the only time im not picking up on other energy is when im holed up...which isnt living to me. like my body isnt for me but for the world. (i got some fire in my chart but my leo mars is in retrograde & 10th house....) ha 😭. all routes lead back to Source. to being in service. but im experimenting to find out what brings me into my body because yes i dissociate a lot and have for much of the formative years ive lived.
i am a 5H saturn as well, this is gonna heal a lot for you - powerful energy for dissolving blocks to embodiment, have you ever studied anything re:subtle energy/energy work?
thank you. yes, it feels like these last few years have been the reordering, cleaning, and now is about to be the time to apply and do. i should calm down on expecting more of myself rn. that question feels broad but i think so?. i do my own experiments of covering/shielding when i go out. i have crystal jewlery ive recently been working with more and am semi consistently learning more about astrology. i just kind of...observe and listen and read as my interest piques.
can you say more on what you mean about energy work?
I have this Pisces/Virgo node alignment in my natal chart. I have to say this is good news! I could use a little fire for my creativity. Glad I stumbled onto this stack!
This was so on point. I tend to feel the energetic shifts of transits before they actually happen. So I felt this wave of insatiable imagination come over me in the past few weeks, ideas that are hungry for my potential mind you I also have mars + Uranus in Pisces so I’m alrdy always dreaming BUT THIS transit has a different type of envisioning energy. I think my biggest challenge will be grounding these visions and myself into reality while I curate my dreams. It’s going to be a woozy doozy dream 😅
PERFECT astral wind at your back for all of that. and not to mention, it's a little bit of an artist's salon around here but these are the same neuroskills that fortify creative problem solving and adaptability to changing circumstance. literally perfect goals for the skies ahead, just snuck in and disguised as play 🤔
Pisces sun, Virgo moon/rising here. I always felt an uneasy tension with these two, like my nagging perfectionist Virgo was killing the vibe of my boundless visionary Pisces. I love how you painted a much more harmonious integrated picture. Looking forward to these eclipses. 😈
if you haven't read The Creative Act by Rick Rubin please please do - i try not to be heavy handed with the suggestions but it really does explain everything about us (virgo nn, pisces sn here) ♥️
also the audible version is only five hrs and read by him, beautiful + zen listen
Amazing how literal this is for me. The thing I've been working on most in ballroom is letting go of the control, trying to make a movement happen and being in the flow of the pattern and the music. I'm listening to my ballroom Daemon and ready to let go! What house/axis is Libra rising Cancer sun?
this is moving into your 6H/12H you were one of the main characters in this last eclipse season!! ketu transiting the 1H is NO JOKE but a very, very healing affair. now you get a series of cadent eclipses to integrate and embody everything you learned in these, so you are right on schedule 🥲 🙏
Thank you! I'm ready to integrate healing and hopefully embody true "I am" energy.
Thank you for this piece, I truly appreciate it! I've been anticipating this axis as I'm 1H Pisces 7H Virgo; "the point of it all" couldn't be more literal in my being and life. Such a pivotal moment in time for all... glad to be on this journey with you among others.
I'd like to try to connect with the live stream and chart readings. Final note, this past year had some notable synchros happen with a Virgo acquaintance and the Rick Rubin and "The Creative Act"... having you make mention of it here brings the biggest smile to my face. Thank you!😊
oh that would be wonderful!! i'll be updating with details here + twitter so you'll know where to find us
pisces sun & saturn (5th house), w nn 1st house & at the tail end of my saturn return. very resonate. i definitely have the connection to heaven but earth....feel like im not supposed to be here. yet i am. so i am trying to find what it is im "meant" to do as flesh. i have trouble merging when the flesh (which i deem as placidius chart) is most preoccupied with everyone else (scorpio rising, pisces sun, cancer moon) and the only time im not picking up on other energy is when im holed up...which isnt living to me. like my body isnt for me but for the world. (i got some fire in my chart but my leo mars is in retrograde & 10th house....) ha 😭. all routes lead back to Source. to being in service. but im experimenting to find out what brings me into my body because yes i dissociate a lot and have for much of the formative years ive lived.
i am a 5H saturn as well, this is gonna heal a lot for you - powerful energy for dissolving blocks to embodiment, have you ever studied anything re:subtle energy/energy work?
thank you. yes, it feels like these last few years have been the reordering, cleaning, and now is about to be the time to apply and do. i should calm down on expecting more of myself rn. that question feels broad but i think so?. i do my own experiments of covering/shielding when i go out. i have crystal jewlery ive recently been working with more and am semi consistently learning more about astrology. i just kind of...observe and listen and read as my interest piques.
can you say more on what you mean about energy work?
I have this Pisces/Virgo node alignment in my natal chart. I have to say this is good news! I could use a little fire for my creativity. Glad I stumbled onto this stack!
This was so on point. I tend to feel the energetic shifts of transits before they actually happen. So I felt this wave of insatiable imagination come over me in the past few weeks, ideas that are hungry for my potential mind you I also have mars + Uranus in Pisces so I’m alrdy always dreaming BUT THIS transit has a different type of envisioning energy. I think my biggest challenge will be grounding these visions and myself into reality while I curate my dreams. It’s going to be a woozy doozy dream 😅
PERFECT astral wind at your back for all of that. and not to mention, it's a little bit of an artist's salon around here but these are the same neuroskills that fortify creative problem solving and adaptability to changing circumstance. literally perfect goals for the skies ahead, just snuck in and disguised as play 🤔
what platform will the stream be taking place?
i believe they will be livestreaming thru our twitters @balefulrays @emmijen but i will definitely post the final deets here as well!
Pisces sun, Virgo moon/rising here. I always felt an uneasy tension with these two, like my nagging perfectionist Virgo was killing the vibe of my boundless visionary Pisces. I love how you painted a much more harmonious integrated picture. Looking forward to these eclipses. 😈
if you haven't read The Creative Act by Rick Rubin please please do - i try not to be heavy handed with the suggestions but it really does explain everything about us (virgo nn, pisces sn here) ♥️
also the audible version is only five hrs and read by him, beautiful + zen listen
I did listen to it last year and found it so inspiring, definitely worth revisiting
very excited for this nodal change :)
Can't wait for the magic to take place